SAP2000 - Avançado

Este curso consiste num conjunto de slides usados anteriormente como elementos de apoio num curso muito intensivo denominado SAP2000 – Avançado. Este curso abordava um conjunto amplo de temas mais avançados de modelação e de simulação não linear. Este curso já não é ministrado nesse formato, e todos os tópicos que eram ministrados serão divididos em vários cursos mais específicos que irão sendo publicados nesta plataforma. 

Pela sua natureza vasta, informativa e também formativa, embora num formato mais compacto, a consulta destes slides tem sido importante para muitos projetistas, alunos e professores que querem compreender muitas das capacidades e possibilidades oferecidas pelo SAP2000 em temas mais avançados de modelação.

Idioma: Inglês
716 slides

Objetivos do Curso

Com estes slides é possível, por um lado, compreender uma lista grande de tópicos de modelação e simulação avançados que são possíveis de resolver com o SAP2000, e por outro, para os alunos que já estão mais familiarizados com o programa, a observação atenta dos slides permite em muitos casos compreender a execução e replicação dos vários exercícios que estão anexos como ficheiros de modelos de SAP2000 ao longo dos slides.


Profissionais, alunos e professores que tenham interesse por tópicos de modelação mais avançada com elementos finitos e SAP2000.

Conteúdos em: EN
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (1/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (2/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (3/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (4/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (5/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (6/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (7/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (8/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (9/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (10/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (11/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (12/13)
Waffle and Ribbed Slabs (13/13)
Direction Symmetry of Materials
Orthotropic Slabs (1/4)
Orthotropic Slabs (2/4)
Orthotropic Slabs (3/4)
Orthotropic Slabs (4/4)
Layered shell (1/2)
Layered shell (2/2)
Body Constraint (1/3)
Body Constraint (2/3)
Body Constraint (3/3)
Weld Constraint (1/3)
Weld Constraint (2/3)
Weld Constraint (3/3)
Local Constraint (1/8)
Local Constraint (2/8)
Local Constraint (3/8)
Local Constraint (4/8)
Local Constraint (5/8)
Local Constraint (6/8)
Local Constraint (7/8)
Local Constraint (8/8)
Diaphragm Constraint(1/4)
Diaphragm Constraint(1/2)
Diaphragm Constraint(1/3)
Diaphragm Constraint(1/4)
Constraint Ouput
Plate Constraint (1/9)
Plate Constraint (2/9)
Plate Constraint (3/9)
Plate Constraint (4/9)
Plate Constraint (5/9)
Plate Constraint (6/9)
Plate Constraint (7/9)
Plate Constraint (8/9)
Plate Constraint (9/9)
Beam Constraint (1/6)
Beam Constraint (2/6)
Beam Constraint (3/6)
Beam Constraint (4/6)
Beam Constraint (5/6)
Beam Constraint (6/6)
Rod Constraint
Using a static deformed shape (1/3)
Using a static deformed shape (2/3)
Using a static deformed shape (3/3)
Using a buckling mode shape (1/3)
Using a buckling mode shape (2/3)
Using a buckling mode shape (3/3)
Definition (1/2)
Definition (2/2)
Sign Convention
Design (1/2)
Design (2/2)
Analysis (1/5)
Analysis (2/5)
Analysis (3/5)
Analysis (4/5)
Analysis (5/5)
Response Spectrum
Response Spectrum
Join Patterms
Complicated Joint Patterns (1/7)
Complicated Joint Patterns (2/7)
Complicated Joint Patterns (3/7)
Complicated Joint Patterns (4/7)
Complicated Joint Patterns (5/7)
Complicated Joint Patterns (6/7)
Complicated Joint Patterns (7/7)
Auto Mesh
Tension and Compression
Concrete - Confinement (1/2)
Concrete - Confinement (2/2)
Finger Hinges
Layered Shell Element
Frame - Insertion Point (1/2)
Frame - Insertion Point (2/2)
Frame - End (Length) Offsets (1/4)
Frame - End (Length) Offsets (2/4)
Frame - End (Length) Offsets (3/4)
Frame - End (Length) Offsets (4/4)
Join Connectivity (1/2)
Join Connectivity (2/2)
Slab Line Release (1/13)
Slab Line Release (2/13)
Slab Line Release (3/13)
Slab Line Release (4/13)
Slab Line Release (5/13)
Slab Line Release (6/13)
Slab Line Release (7/13)
Slab Line Release (8/13)
Slab Line Release (9/13)
Slab Line Release (10/13)
Slab Line Release (11/13)
Slab Line Release (12/13)
Slab Line Release (13/13)
Scissor Release (1/10)
Scissor Release (2/10)
Scissor Release (3/10)
Scissor Release (4/10)
Scissor Release (5/10)
Scissor Release (6/10)
Scissor Release (7/10)
Scissor Release (8/10)
Scissor Release (9/10)
Scissor Release (10/10)
Zero Length Elements
Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis (1/3)
Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis (2/3)
Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis (3/3)
Geometric Nonlinearity
Frame Elemnets (1/4)
Frame Elemnets (2/4)
Frame Elemnets (3/4)
Frame Elemnets (4/4)
Link Elements
Shell Elements (1/2)
Shell Elements (2/2)
Solid Elements (1/2)
Solid Elements (2/2)
Large Displacements
Modeling Cables with Frame Elements (1/4)
Modeling Cables with Frame Elements (2/4)
Modeling Cables with Frame Elements (3/4)
Modeling Cables with Frame Elements (4/4)
Snap - through Buckling (1/4)
Snap - through Buckling (2/4)
Snap - through Buckling (3/4)
Snap - through Buckling (4/4)
Buckled Support (1/5)
Buckled Support (2/5)
Buckled Support (3/5)
Buckled Support (4/5)
Buckled Support (5/5)
Initial P-Delta Analysis
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (1/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (2/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (3/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (4/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (5/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (6/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (7/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (8/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (9/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (10/11)
Linearizing the P-Delta Problem (11/11)
Linear Buckling Analysis
Elastic Critical Buckling (1/7)
Elastic Critical Buckling (2/7)
Elastic Critical Buckling (3/7)
Elastic Critical Buckling (4/7)
Elastic Critical Buckling (5/7)
Elastic Critical Buckling (6/7)
Elastic Critical Buckling (7/7)
Inicial Conditions
Inicial Conditions Example 1 (1/4)
Inicial Conditions Example 1 (2/4)
Inicial Conditions Example 1 (3/4)
Inicial Conditions Example 1 (4/4)
Inicial Conditions Example 2 (1/6)
Inicial Conditions Example 2 (2/6)
Inicial Conditions Example 2 (3/6)
Inicial Conditions Example 2 (4/6)
Inicial Conditions Example 2 (5/6)
Inicial Conditions Example 2 (6/6)
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis
Cable Stayed Mast (1/5)
Cable Stayed Mast (2/5)
Cable Stayed Mast (3/5)
Cable Stayed Mast (4/5)
Cable Stayed Mast (5/5)
Snap-through Buckling
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (1/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (2/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (3/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (4/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (5/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (6/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (7/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (8/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (9/10)
Nonlinear Behavior of Cables Stayed Structrures (10/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (1/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (2/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (3/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (4/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (5/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (6/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (7/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (8/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (9/10)
Quasi-Static Time History Analysis (10/10)
Plastic Deformation Curve (1/2)
Plastic Deformation Curve (2/2)
Uncoupled Hinges (1/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (2/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (3/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (4/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (5/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (6/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (7/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (8/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (9/10)
Uncoupled Hinges (10/10)
Coupled Hinges (1/17)
Coupled Hinges (2/17)
Coupled Hinges (3/17)
Coupled Hinges (4/17)
Coupled Hinges (5/17)
Coupled Hinges (6/17)
Coupled Hinges (7/17)
Coupled Hinges (8/17)
Coupled Hinges (9/17)
Coupled Hinges (10/17)
Coupled Hinges (11/17)
Coupled Hinges (12/17)
Coupled Hinges (13/17)
Coupled Hinges (14/17)
Coupled Hinges (15/17)
Coupled Hinges (16/17)
Coupled Hinges (17/17)
Fiber Hinges (1/15)
Fiber Hinges (2/15)
Fiber Hinges (3/15)
Fiber Hinges (4/15)
Fiber Hinges (5/15)
Fiber Hinges (6/15)
Fiber Hinges (7/15)
Fiber Hinges (8/15)
Fiber Hinges (9/15)
Fiber Hinges (10/15)
Fiber Hinges (11/15)
Fiber Hinges (12/15)
Fiber Hinges (13/15)
Fiber Hinges (14/15)
Fiber Hinges (15/15)
Static Pushover Analysis
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (1/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (2/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (3/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (4/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (5/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (6/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (7/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (8/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (9/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (10/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (11/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (12/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (13/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (14/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (15/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (16/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (17/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (18/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (19/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (20/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (21/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (22/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (23/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (24/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (25/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (26/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (27/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (28/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (29/30)
Determine the nonlinear response of a structrure (30/30)
Link Objects
Link Deformations
Link Property
Internal Springs (1/2)
Internal Springs (2/2)
Fixed Degrees of Freedom
Nonlinear Properties (1/2)
Nonlinear Properties (2/2)
Friction Isolator
Nonlinear Modal Time-History Analysis
Gaps and Hooks
Maxwell Damper
Steel Floor Plate (1/18)
Steel Floor Plate (2/18)
Steel Floor Plate (3/18)
Steel Floor Plate (4/18)
Steel Floor Plate (5/18)
Steel Floor Plate (6/18)
Steel Floor Plate (7/18)
Steel Floor Plate (8/18)
Steel Floor Plate (9/18)
Steel Floor Plate (10/18)
Steel Floor Plate (11/18)
Steel Floor Plate (12/18)
Steel Floor Plate (13/18)
Steel Floor Plate (14/18)
Steel Floor Plate (15/18)
Steel Floor Plate (16/18)
Steel Floor Plate (17/18)
Steel Floor Plate (18/18)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (1/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (2/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (3/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (4/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (5/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (6/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (7/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (8/9)
Reinforced Concrete Slab (9/9)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (1/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (2/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (3/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (4/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (5/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (6/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (7/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (8/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (9/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (10/11)
Reinforced Concrete Beam (11/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (1/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (2/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (3/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (4/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (5/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (6/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (7/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (8/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (9/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (10/11)
Reinforced Concrete Column (11/11)
Load Optimizer (1/24)
Load Optimizer (2/24)
Load Optimizer (3/24)
Load Optimizer (4/24)
Load Optimizer (5/24)
Load Optimizer (6/24)
Load Optimizer (7/24)
Load Optimizer (8/24)
Load Optimizer (9/24)
Load Optimizer (10/24)
Load Optimizer (11/24)
Load Optimizer (12/24)
Load Optimizer (13/24)
Load Optimizer (14/24)
Load Optimizer (15/24)
Load Optimizer (16/24)
Load Optimizer (17/24)
Load Optimizer (18/24)
Load Optimizer (19/24)
Load Optimizer (20/24)
Load Optimizer (21/24)
Load Optimizer (22/24)
Load Optimizer (23/24)
Load Optimizer (24/24)
Precast Structure (1/15)
Precast Structure (2/15)
Precast Structure (3/15)
Precast Structure (4/15)
Precast Structure (5/15)
Precast Structure (6/15)
Precast Structure (7/15)
Precast Structure (8/15)
Precast Structure (9/15)
Precast Structure (10/15)
Precast Structure (11/15)
Precast Structure (12/15)
Precast Structure (13/15)
Precast Structure (14/15)
Precast Structure (15/15)
Change Supports (1/10)
Change Supports (2/10)
Change Supports (3/10)
Change Supports (4/10)
Change Supports (5/10)
Change Supports (6/10)
Change Supports (7/10)
Change Supports (8/10)
Change Supports (9/10)
Change Supports (10/10)
Composite Beam (1/15)
Composite Beam (2/15)
Composite Beam (3/15)
Composite Beam (4/15)
Composite Beam (5/15)
Composite Beam (6/15)
Composite Beam (7/15)
Composite Beam (8/15)
Composite Beam (9/15)
Composite Beam (10/15)
Composite Beam (11/15)
Composite Beam (12/15)
Composite Beam (13/15)
Composite Beam (14/15)
Composite Beam (15/15)
Footfall Analysis (1/11)
Footfall Analysis (2/11)
Footfall Analysis (3/11)
Footfall Analysis (4/11)
Footfall Analysis (5/11)
Footfall Analysis (6/11)
Footfall Analysis (7/11)
Footfall Analysis (8/11)
Footfall Analysis (9/11)
Footfall Analysis (10/11)
Footfall Analysis (11/11)
Steady-State Analysis (1/8)
Steady-State Analysis (2/8)
Steady-State Analysis (3/8)
Steady-State Analysis (4/8)
Steady-State Analysis (5/8)
Steady-State Analysis (6/8)
Steady-State Analysis (7/8)
Steady-State Analysis (8/8)
Cables over Pulley Systems (1/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (2/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (3/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (4/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (5/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (6/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (7/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (8/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (9/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (10/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (11/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (12/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (13/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (14/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (15/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (16/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (17/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (18/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (19/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (20/21)
Cables over Pulley Systems (21/21)
Modal Analysis
Eigenvector Analysis (1/3)
Eigenvector Analysis (2/3)
Eigenvector Analysis (3/3)
Ritz - Vector Analysis (1/5)
Ritz - Vector Analysis (2/5)
Ritz - Vector Analysis (3/5)
Ritz - Vector Analysis (4/5)
Ritz - Vector Analysis (5/5)
Modal Analysis Output (1/3)
Modal Analysis Output (2/3)
Modal Analysis Output (3/3)
Lateral force method of analysis (1/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (2/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (3/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (4/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (5/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (6/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (7/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (8/9)
Lateral force method of analysis (9/9)
Modal response spectrum analysis (1/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (2/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (3/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (4/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (5/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (6/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (7/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (8/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (9/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (10/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (11/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (12/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (13/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (14/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (15/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (16/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (17/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (18/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (19/20)
Modal response spectrum analysis (20/20)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (1/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (2/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (3/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (4/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (5/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (6/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (7/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (8/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (9/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (10/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (11/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (12/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (13/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (14/15)
Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis (15/15)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (1/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (2/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (3/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (4/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (5/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (6/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (7/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (8/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (9/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (10/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (11/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (12/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (13/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (14/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (15/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (16/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (17/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (18/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (19/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (20/21)
Nonlinear time-history analysis (21/21)

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Detalhes do curso

  • Idioma: Inglês
  • 716 slides
  • 188 ficheiros para download