Modeling and Analysis of Structures according to EC8
This course is a recording of a set of webinars held in the past to exemplify and discuss various aspects of the applicability of Eurocode 8 in the context of the seismic structural design of reinforced concrete buildings, supported by ETABS.
Portuguese, Spanish
of contents
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are designed to help designers understand and systematize a set of processes for classifying, modelling and designing reinforced concrete building structures using the methodologies recommended by Eurocode 8 in the context of seismic analysis.
Many of the steps that must be taken during the seismic modeling and design process using Eurocode 8 represent a complex flowchart that in many situations requires numerical processing by the designer, supported in some cases by elements that can be extracted and embodied in the finite element model(s).
During these webinars it is possible to exemplify and discuss the logical sequences of information processing and decision-making, always in the context of modeling and simulation supported by ETABS and common tools such as Excel.
This course is based on ETABS, as it focuses on building structures. However, the same exercise can be carried out with SAP2000 and without loss of productivity, if you use the TOWERS and VIS applications. Some processes will even be more automated and practical using these complementary applications, so they were intentionally left out in order to make some processes that are important to understand more visible and “manual”.
Target Audience
Civil engineering students and professionals who need to carry out seismic calculation of buildings using Eurocode 8.
Program contents
Session 1 - Preliminary Structural Evaluation
1 – [18 min] Introduction
2 – [16 min] Assuming primary and secondary structure and configuring several stiffness model versions
3 – [11 min] Verify if it is an inverted pendulum
4 – [36 min] Verify if it is torsionally flexible
5 – [27 min] Classify the structural system in both directions
6 – [03 min] Calculate kw for both directions
7 – [17 min] Calculate au / a1 for both directions (including regularity check in plan and elevation)
8 – [18 min] Verify the contribution of secondary elements
Session 2 - Seismic Structural Analysis
1 – [07 min] Introduction to response spectrum
2 – [23 min] Modal participation and EC8 requirements
3 – [12 min] Alternative model with additional challenges for modal participation compliance
4 – [26 min] Details of damping and response spectrum functions
5 – [19 min] Response spectrum analysis definitions for our model
6 – [12 min] Accidental torsion in seismic analysis
7 – [15 min] P-Delta susceptibility of our model
8 – [07 min] Damage limitation
Session 3 - Seismic Design
1 – [06 min] Combinations of the seismic action with other actions
2 – [19 min] EC8 special design provisions for primary columns and beams
3 – [05 min] Unfolding load combinations for design
4 – [18 min] EC8 frame design for global ductility
5 – [35 min] EC8 frame design for local ductility
6 – [37 min] EC8 special provisions for shear wall design
7 – [12 min] Set up our model for secondary elements design