This course is a set of support slides used in the past by CSI Portugal / CSI Spain to illustrate the sequence of calculation and verification of reinforced concrete beams and columns using EC2 and EC8 and how the results can be obtained in SAP2000.
Portuguese, Spanish
78 slides
Course objectives
These contents were used in some training sessions to establish a parallel between the EC2 and EC8 checks and expressions for columns and beams, and the intermediate and final results of the SAP2000 design modules.
Target Audience
Any engineer or student who wants to review some notes on Eurocode 2 and Eurocode 8 and who wants to draw comparisons with the verification algorithms of SAP2000.
IMPORTANT NOTE - These elements may be outdated at the present time, in relation to the procedures used by SAP2000 Concrete Frame Design, in its current version.
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